Best Paying Blocks


Amazon Flex


We are a company dedicated to enhancing the work experience for Amazon Flex drivers making it possible to automatically and efficiently select the best blocks of their preference. 


Best Paying Blocks Of

Amazon Flex



We are a company dedicated to enhancing the work experience for Amazon Flex drivers making it possible to automatically and efficiently select the best blocks of their preference. 

Bloques Mejor Pagados


Amazon Flex


Somos una empresa dedicada a mejorar la experiencia laboral de los conductores de Amazon Flex permitiendo seleccionar de forma automática y eficiente los mejores bloques de su preferencia.


Best Paying Blocks Of

Amazon Flex



Somos una empresa dedicada a mejorar la experiencia laboral de los conductores de Amazon Flex permitiendo seleccionar de forma automática y eficiente los mejores bloques de su preferencia.


Here you can see what StarFlex offers you.


Aquí puedes ver lo que te ofrece StarFlex.


“Simply press the ‘Start’ button to initiate the block search and let our application take care of the rest.”


Choose the days and times you prefer for your delivery blocks.


Elige los días y horarios que prefieras para tus bloques de entrega.


Select your preferred stations and prices so our app can offer you the blocks that fit your preferences.


Selecciona tus estaciones preferidas y precios para que nuestra app pueda ofrecerte los bloques que se ajusten a tus preferencias.


In the calendar, you will be able to view your accepted blocks and find the options to identify yourself from any location, as well as the ability to skip the selfie and cancel blocks, all in one place for your maximum convenience.


En el calendario podrás ver tus bloques aceptados y encontrar las opciones para identificarte desde cualquier ubicación, así como la posibilidad de saltarte la selfie y cancelar bloques, todo en un solo lugar para tu máxima comodidad.


In the log, you will be able to see all available blocks and the detailed reason why some were ignored. This will help you adjust your preference filters as necessary to optimize your choices.


En el registro, podrá ver todos los bloques disponibles y el motivo detallado por el cual se ignoraron algunos. Esto le ayudará a ajustar sus filtros de preferencias según sea necesario para optimizar sus opciones.


Within the options menu, you will find all the configuration settings to personalize your experience.


Dentro del menú de opciones encontrarás todos los ajustes de configuración para personalizar tu experiencia.

You can share your referral link or your QR code and for each user who registers with your link you and the referred user earn a free week.

Fully Automated

You can share your referral link or your QR code and for each user who registers with your link you and the referred user earn a free week.

Fully Automated

You can share your referral link or your QR code and for each user who registers with your link you and the referred user earn a free week.

Puede compartir su enlace de referencia o su código QR y por cada usuario que se registre con su enlace, usted y el usuario referido ganan una semana gratis.

Completamente Automatizado

Puede compartir su enlace de referencia o su código QR y por cada usuario que se registre con su enlace, usted y el usuario referido ganan una semana gratis.

Completamente Automatizado

Puede compartir su enlace de referencia o su código QR y por cada usuario que se registre con su enlace, usted y el usuario referido ganan una semana gratis.

Watch our video tutorial and discover the countless functions and tools that StarFlex offers you to simplify your tasks.

Mira nuestro vídeo tutorial y descubre las innumerables
funciones y herramientas que StarFlex te ofrece para
simplificar tus tareas.

Frequently Asked Questions

StarFlex is designed to completely eliminate the risk of distracted driving for Amazon Flex drivers. Our app automatically manages your search for offers, allowing you to fully concentrate on driving. With StarFlex, you will say goodbye to the need to constantly interact with your device, ensuring a safer and more efficient driving experience, allowing you to focus on what really matters: making your deliveries in a timely and safe manner.

Yes, StarFlex comes equipped with advanced functionality that automatically handles CAPTCHA puzzles for you. This allows you to navigate the app uninterrupted and fluidly, focusing your attention on making your Amazon Flex deliveries efficiently and on time. With StarFlex, we take care of the technical details, making your daily work easier.

At StarFlex, we are aware that there has always been a certain level of risk when using automation services. However, our priority is to facilitate and optimize the tasks of Amazon Flex drivers. Our focus is on transforming your collaboration with Amazon into a stable, full-time employment opportunity, prioritizing efficient, high-quality deliveries. By choosing StarFlex, drivers have the opportunity to offer ongoing and effective support to Amazon, ensuring that customers receive their packages as quickly and satisfactorily as possible, so far we have had no detection issues.

Yes, StarFlex is designed to work seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices, giving you a personalized and complete user experience on both platforms. Regardless of the operating system you prefer, with StarFlex you will enjoy all its functionalities and benefits to improve your experience as an Amazon Flex driver.

To start taking advantage of StarFlex, all you need is an active Amazon Flex account. Once you have it, simply register in our app. That's how easy it is for you to be ready to access the best delivery blocks in your area, optimizing your experience as an Amazon Flex driver.

Preguntas frecuentes

StarFlex está diseñado para eliminar por completo el riesgo de conducción distraída para los conductores de Amazon Flex. Nuestra aplicación gestiona automáticamente su búsqueda de ofertas, permitiéndole concentrarse plenamente en conducir. Con StarFlex, dirás adiós a la necesidad de interactuar constantemente con tu dispositivo, garantizando una experiencia de conducción más segura y eficiente, permitiéndote concentrarte en lo que realmente importa: realizar tus entregas de manera oportuna y segura.

Yes, StarFlex comes equipped with advanced functionality that automatically handles CAPTCHA puzzles for you. This allows you to navigate the app uninterrupted and fluidly, focusing your attention on making your Amazon Flex deliveries efficiently and on time. With StarFlex, we take care of the technical details, making your daily work easier.

While there is inherent risk in using any automation service, it is important to highlight that our intention at StarFlex is to facilitate and optimize the work of Amazon Flex drivers. Our goal is for you to consider your work with Amazon as a full-time employment opportunity, focusing on efficient, quality deliveries. By using StarFlex, drivers can provide ongoing support to Amazon, ensuring customers receive their packages in the most efficient and satisfactory manner possible.

Yes, StarFlex is designed to work seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices, giving you a personalized and complete user experience on both platforms. Regardless of the operating system you prefer, with StarFlex you will enjoy all its functionalities and benefits to improve your experience as an Amazon Flex driver.

To start taking advantage of StarFlex, all you need is an active Amazon Flex account. Once you have it, simply register in our app. That's how easy it is for you to be ready to access the best delivery blocks in your area, optimizing your experience as an Amazon Flex driver.

© Starflex • All Rights Reserved

© Starflex • Todos los derechos reservados